11 Signs Your ER Homebound Patients May Benefit from Home Health

Signs ER Homebound Patients Need Home Health

Written by Amedisys

Your patients coming home after experiencing an emergency may benefit from home health if they:

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  1. Need follow-up care, medication teaching or medication management after an ER visit for their chronic condition(s).
  2. Frequently visit the ER due to exacerbations of their heart failure, atrial ­fibrillation, hypertension, or angina, and require multiple medicines to manage their condition.
  3. Have recently been prescribed oxygen and require education and safety information.
  4. Have caregivers who have signi­ficant challenges managing the care of their loved one at home, which leads to frequent ER visits.
  5. Would bene­fit from developing or improving self-management skills in managing their chronic condition to prevent hospitalizations.
  6. Could bene­fit from an action plan to help manage exacerbations before they become severe.
  7. Have frequent falls, reported longstanding dizziness and vertigo or are a high-fall risk and would benefi­t from education about fall prevention through safety awareness, strengthening and balance training.
  8. Need training on the safe use of assistive devices such as a walker, tub bench or sliding boards.
  9. Suffer with depression, Alzheimer’s, bipolar, schizophrenia or anxiety disorder and seek assistance through the ER.
  10. Are frail, elderly patients who present with flu symptoms and need additional clinical oversight at home.
  11. Have wounds that require additional oversight and dressing changes for optimal healing.

Our highly skilled physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, nurses and social workers will work closely with you and your staff to develop a plan of care focused on meeting the patient’s medical, social and rehabilitative needs.


Home health clinician providing care