
4 min read

How Long Can You Be on Hospice Care?

4 min read

How Hospice Care Supports Advance Care Planning

Caregiver providing home health care to congestive heart failure patient

4 min read

What Are the Four Stages of Congestive Heart Failure?

4 min read

How Jimmy Carter is Dispelling Myths About Hospice

Dementia patient looking through photo album

3 min read

How Hospice Helps End-Stage Dementia Patients

Hospice clinician caring for heart failure patient

4 min read

Stages of Dying in End-Stage Congestive Heart Failure

Caregiver supporting a hospice patient in respite care.

3 min read

How Respite Care Can Help Relieve Hospice Caregivers

Family member hugging her loved one while having the hospice conversation.

3 min read

How to Manage Pushback When Discussing Hospice Care With Family Members

Elderly person receiving support to stave off warning signs of suicide.

4 min read

Preventing Suicide in the Elderly Population

3 min read

How Amedisys Helps With Pain Management During Hospice

A spiritual counselor is talking with a hospice patient and their family.

3 min read

Coping Tips for When Your Family Member Is in Hospice

A bereavement counselor helping a hospice patient.

3 min read

What Are the Different Stages of Dying?

Nurse helping home health patient walk down the stairs.

3 min read

How to Help Choose the Best Hospice Care for Your Family Member

Hospice nurse discussing hospice misconceptions with their patient.

3 min read

Eight Things You May Not Know About Hospice

Hospice nurse discussing signs it's time for hospice

3 min read

Seven Signs That It’s Time for Hospice

Caregiver dressed in green scrubs assessing the mobility of an elderly female patient’s right leg

3 min read

Making the Most of Hospice

2 min read

What Are the Four Levels of Hospice Care?

Hospice Bereavement Services

2 min read

The Importance of Hospice Bereavement Services

End of Life Pain Management

3 min read

End-of-Life Pain Management for Hospice Patients

Medicare Covers Hospice Benefits

3 min read

Does Medicare Cover Hospice Benefits?

Music Interventions Depression Dementia

1 min read

Music Interventions Reduce Depression and Agitation in Dementia Patients

A chaplain with a hospice patient

3 min read

The Spiritual Needs of Dying Patients

Holding terminal hospice patient's hand

4 min read

What is Terminal Agitation? How Hospice Treats Terminal Restlessness

Preparing for Death

5 min read

Preparing for Death

A hospice specialist discussing the service

2 min read

Where Can My Loved One Get Hospice Care?

A hospice clinician and caregiver looking at memories

3 min read

What Are the Hospice Eligibility Criteria?

How to Find High Quality Hospice

3 min read

How to Find a High-Quality Hospice Agency

Veteran in hospice

2 min read

Veteran Volunteers Bring Closure to Veterans Hospice

Hospice clinician and patient

4 min read

What Is Hospice Care and How Does It Enhance Quality of Life?

Explaining home health versus hospice care

3 min read

Home Health vs. Hospice


4 min read

Palliative Care vs Hospice

Coping with the loss of a loved one

4 min read

How to Deal With the Loss of a Loved One | Amedisys

Preventing elderly loneliness

5 min read

Expert Tips for Preventing Elderly Loneliness

Hospice patient and caregiver holding hands

4 min read

How to Plan for a Good Death

Choosing a home health agency

3 min read

How to Choose a Home Health Agency

Chaplain with a patient

3 min read

Daily Wellness Strategies to Be Okay When Life Is Not Okay

Hospice patient with spouse

4 min read

Who Pays for Hospice Care?

Hospice clinician and patient

2 min read

Benefits of Hospice Care

Choosing a hospice agency

4 min read

How to Choose a Home Hospice Agency

Hospice and Home Health Holidays

3 min read

Hospice and Home Health Care Help Patients Stay Home for the Holidays

Maximizing Hospice Benefit

1 min read

Maximizing Hospice Care Benefit

Signs Parents Need Hospice

5 min read

9 Signs Aging Parents Need Hospice Care

Choosing Veterans Hospice

4 min read

What to Look for When Choosing a Veterans' Hospice

Amedisys hospice honoring Veteran patients.

5 min read

Unique Hospice & Palliative Care Needs for Veterans

How to Cope with Grief During the Holidays

4 min read

12 Ways to Cope with Grief During the Holidays


1 min read

Four Common Hospice Care Myths

How to Have the Hospice Conversation

1 min read

Eight Steps to Initiate the Hospice Conversation

Signs Patients Need Hospice

1 min read

Eight Signs Your Patients Could Benefit from Hospice